photos of direct relations of Larry Lachance - your host
Large oak tree Logo
pen drawing of canoes on a river with mountains
Image of no spamming
Thanks for visiting the Lachance and Bussell guest book.  This site is a personal, non-commercial, family website.
I am not a business or non-profit organization, it's just me and this website. 
I had to remove the ability to use html, smiley faces, and other usual guestbook goodies AND I need to review messages before they are actually posted. Spam is the reason and undesirable messages will be removed!
For our family, PLEASE, don't let this stop you from letting everyone know you were here. Maybe you'll find a cousins or two!
Once you post a message, you will be returned to this page and you will receive an email acknowledging your post.  As soon as I can, I'll unlock your message so that it appears here.  Check the box if you want to be notified when somebody replies to your post. 
Contact me directly if you have questions.

image of text giving credit
MyPHP Guestbook
Finding a guestbook to replace the old one (that actually works) was like the proverbial needle in a haystack. "myPHP Guestbook", used here, is about as perfect as it gets! 
This is not simply a link, this is a "word of mouth" referral.  From experience, and based on your needs, I HIGHLY recommend this guestbook.
Presented by
Larry Lachance
Any Commercial, religious, or other use, without the consent of the compiler  (Larry Lachance) is prohibited!
If you use information or data from this site, you must give proper acknowledgement and credit. 
Contact me with your comments and corrections.
Copying expressly forbidden except for your PERSONAL (not-for-profit/non-commercial) Family History/Genealogy.