Lachance and Bussell Family Genealogy
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Marie Isabelle Joséphine LACHANCE - Isaie H. TÉTREAULT and David C. VIRGIL Received the original marriage record for Isabelle LACHANCE who married Damascus Carlo VIRGIL (aka David C. VIRGIL) from the Manitoba Vital Statistics agency. It is handwritten and the handwriting is very poor.
It clearly shows Isabelle's place of birth as Chicago, IL, USA. Of course this may be mistaken. It also records the names of her parents. While difficult to make out, it appears her father to be "Mosay LACHANCE", with "Mosay" assumed to be a phonetic spelling by a non-French speaker. It is the mothers name that lends to the confusion. Mothers first name is clearly "Isabella" but the last name is difficult to read. It appears to be something akin to BOUGIE or NANIGE or simply a name ending in "ige". Clearly it is NOT POULIOT nor is it BLOUIN or CLUSEAU (known spouses of Moïse).
From the parish book at St-Roch in Ville de Québec, Moïse Pépin dit LACHANCE (widower of Zoé CLUSEAU) and Marie-Delima BLOUIN had a daughter, MARIE-ISABELLE JOSÉPHINE LACHANCE, born on 24 APR 1872.
A record for a marriage of “ISABELLE LACHANCE” to ISAIE H. TÉTREAULT is found at Presbyterian Saint Jean) in Montréal on 26 JAN 1890 wherein her parents are written as “Moïse Lachance and Elisa Pouliot (both of Montreal)”.
IF there is a record of a Moïse LACHANCE married to Elisa POULIOT, I’ve not found it. It has been established that this Isabelle Lachance was, in fact married to both Isaie H. TÉTREAULT as well as David C. VIRGIL. What hasn’t been found is proof of whom the parents of Isabelle actually were.
Happy to share what I have as well as send the questioned handwriting to anyone willing to assist.
Tell us what you know | More information: LACHANCE, Marie-Isabelle Joséphine
Hercule Lachance weds Marguerite Cadieux - Who were his parents? Hercule LACHANCE (may be Hercule Arthur) was born around 1850..ish and married Marguerite CADIEUX 11 AUG 1873 at Notre-Dame in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. His parents are listed as Jean-Baptiste LACHANCE and Domitille ANDROCHE!
The problem? The surname ANDROCHE! Domitille may be Domithilde or Mathilde or even Marie. But who is ANDROCHE? Is this Laroche, Durocher, maybe something else. Is it possible she was a LANDROCHE which as also known as SCAYANIFS and RAPIN.
They were in Ottawa in 1873 so why not in the 1871 Census? I even found a Jean Baptiste Pepin dit Lachance married to Marie Turcotte with a on Hercule born in the late 1840's but something isn't right!
Help me find out who Jean-Baptiste LACHANCE and Domithilde ANDROCHE really are. Any hints or clues are good...I'll keep looking too!
Joseph Lachance - Markstay Warren Ontario - Who were his parents. Joseph Lachance married Isabelle Marion, the widow of Jean-Baptiste Tessier on 11 Oct 1897 at Warren, Ontario, Canada, I suspect at St. Thomas Church. It is likely that Joseph died of gangrene following a railroad accident on 04 May 1904 (at the age of 50 years) where he was a resident of Warren. Joseph and Isabelle had a daughter Adele or Addie born 14 Jan 1899 at Warren, Ontario. Addie married Omer Lauzon 26 May 1919 at Ste-Anne, Sudbury, Ontario.
He would have been born sometime around 1854 but I have also seen 08 JUL 1858. Please help with this one if you can.
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