photos of direct relations of Larry Lachance - your host
Large oak tree Logo
Title Page for the About Us Page of
The image in the background is a photo of Bill Lachance (Dad), Ann Bussell Lachance (Mom), Paul on left and Larry on right (the cute little one!)
The full photo can be seen on my memoral tribute to Mom.
Image describing what if the Lachance website is  just the Hokey Pokey
The Hokey Pokey
You put your right foot in,
You put your right foot out;
You put your right foot in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey-Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
Ok, it is a given that this site is not all about the Hokey Pokey!  So, what is it really all about?  I’m not on the list of the most influential websites of all time - so it can’t be "FAME" right?  Maybe it's to find those "BRICK WALLS" I keep hitting? The best answer I've come up with is this...
"Us" means Lachance & Bussell and a multitude of allied families that are somehow related either directly, by marriage or simply through other family members of married couples.
Why Am I Doing This?
This is an excellent question!  ...AND, there are so many questions…including the ones I continue ask myself! It appears that I have some sort of genealogy addiction.
On April 30, 1993, the World Wide Web was released into the public domain.  In 1996, I wrote and published the first iteration of this website.
Years pass as I await "la chance" or otherwise good luck finding those ancestors which, thus far, I have NOT!
With your help, this family continues to grow. It is both fascinating AND satisfying to know so many others can find their family roots and cousin connections because of this website.
This, then, is my personal portal into "our world" of, sometimes useless, information that may have no relevance to you at all.  Then again... what has been found may hold answers to questions you have about your own family roots. This is the place where I can do something I enjoy ... "genealogy" aka "collecting sometimes living and otherwise dead relatives". 

I've developed a page about genealogy and how it has influenced my decisions with my research.  You can read more by clicking on this link - "genealogy according to Larry".
Image of a vintage, hand operated, calculator from the 1940s


This site really started before I was born. Mom was a “computer” at the Monroe Calculating Company in Orange, NJ.

The first “real computerLACHANCE | BUSSELL website was published, in 1996, using a DOS bulletin board. 

From humble beginnings with less than 100 individuals in my circle of close relatives, our family has grown.  This is because of the help of so many people, like you, who have found this website and contributed their familes stories.

With YOUR help, let's keep growing our families to help others, like US who just want to know more.
movie poster for Just You and Me Kid - with photos of Bill and Ann (Bussell) Lachance

Who Are "US"

Most “About Us” pages tell you who “WE” are!  For me, the only “US” is “YOU” and "WE" is just "ME" because this site is entirely my own creation...with YOUR help of course. 

There is no “us” on the job.  Despite the “.org” in the name of the domain, I am not an organization or corporation or even partnership.  I’m just me, doing my thing, trying to get our family history and heritage out to those who care to find out more about “from whence we came”.

And yes, I know…please don’t be too hard on me, the phrase “from whence” is not grammatically correct. But hey, people have been using this phrase incorrectly since, at least, the thirteenth century, and I see no reason to stop now.
Image of a mermaid on a beach

What You Might Find

There's no telling what you might find!
The site is two-fold.

First, the "main website" (you are reading this on the main website right now).  Here you will find self-indulgent stories about my immediate family and me as well as some facts and history I’ve uncovered or dug up over the years about places and people that are a part of our heritage.  Much of this “other stuff” is listed under the “MORE” section of the menu.  If you have nothing else to do, check it out, you may just find it interesting. 

Second, the “family database”.  You can find out more about this part is set up by reading the “database introduction” page.
an image of a trooper on a mountain depicting The Mission

I'm On A Mission

They say to include a “Mission Statement”.  I don't know who "they" are, but here's the obligatory statement.

Many before me have presented works about "family", including both Lachance and Bussell. For their efforts, I am grateful. Throughout these pages, those who have helped are acknowledged... wherever they are known.

My ultimate goal (I suspect this will probably take the rest of my life to complete...or not) is to put together as much as I can find, and make it available to any member of our family that wants the information, WITHOUT COST.
Of course, I CAN use donations to keep this going.  If you can help, please do!
Formal Photo of Larry Lachance in a suit

Finally - Who Is This Guy

He can best be defined as...Owner/Operator/Presenter/Designer/Compiler/Amateur Genealogist/...and all-around good guy! 
While this website tends to lean towards a bit "self-serving" - it really began with thoughts of my own family and their ancestors.  It was at that moment that I realized just how little I really knew about any of them. I’m sure my life would have gone on without ever knowing but something clicked and I made a decision that I just “had to know”! Thanks to my niece Sandra and one of her early school projects in the early 1990's, the quest began.

It is NOT my purpose to seek famous ancestors (although some have been found) nor do I hope to find a link to a former President or movie star, (although some of them have been found too).
The true purpose, is to share what I find about who we are and from whence we came...all of us who are somehow connected to these two families!  With this knowledge, perhaps we all might know better "…whither we goeth."

For reasons of personal choice (and I suspect genetics), future generations will become "my descendants" and this effort is my way of "carrying on" the family and hopefully making be a "better ancestor" in the end.

Read the “about me” page if you really want to know more.

NOTE: This photo is from September of 2015...we all grow older...if we're lucky.  For more recent photos, see "my life in pictures" on this website.
It's All About
The Hokey Pokey
"In 1949, Charles Macak, Tafit Baker and Larry Laprise, “The Ram Trio”, wrote the popular US version of the Hokey Pokey Song and played it nightly for the enjoyment of Sun Valley, Idaho skiers."
Presented by
Larry Lachance
Any Commercial, religious, or other use, without the consent of the compiler  (Larry Lachance) is prohibited!
If you use information or data from this site, you must give proper acknowledgement and credit. 
Contact me with your comments and corrections.
Copying expressly forbidden except for your PERSONAL (not-for-profit/non-commercial) Family History/Genealogy.