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Larry's Take On A Definition of Genealogy!
Genealogy is a matter of personal interpretation. Of course, this is my website so I do have own personal interpretation I mean. 

My attempt to define the word, in an exact sense, has failed, as have all attempts to understand the whys and wherefores.  What I have learned, however is that once you begin, you cannot stop!  It appears, genealogy is an addiction, much like any other vice we might end up with in our lives. 

But, while it may be addicting, it's also about having fun and learning things nobody ever taught you in school, not to mention about one's own past. If you're not prepared however, put on your seatbelt, it's going to be a bumpy ride. 

Some clever person (a doctor perhaps, I don't really know) actually came up with a name for this obsessive hobby.  It's called "
Genealogy Pox".

I am the first to admit that I suffer from this Genealogy Pox. If you don't know what it is, click here to open an overview.
Official Genealogy Definition
Websters Definition - noun  ge·ne·al·o·gy  \ ˌjē-nē-ˈä-lə-jē also -ˈa-lə- also ˌje-nē- \

Etymology:  Middle English genealogie, from Middle French, from Late Latin genealogia, from Greek, from genea race, family + -logia -logy; akin to Greek genos race.
Date: 14th century
1)  an account of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or from older forms.
2)  regular descent of a person, family, or group of organisms from a progenitor or older form : PEDIGREE (a register recording a line of ancestors).
3)  the study of family pedigrees.
The True Definition - According to "Moi"
Genealogy is the relentless pursuit of seeking one's roots, perhaps one's ancestors, and throw in the search for all of our relatives past and present among other things.   It is the never-ending search for "history" or better yet, "family history".    It is the documenting of "events and circumstances of how we got where we are today" also known as; "from whence we came".
A Tale from Larry's Book of Fables - "The Grandson and The Aunts": 
(Aesop's ~ "The Grasshopper and the Ants")

Most of us don't care about it...until it's too late.  If you have the slightest bit of interest, whether you are young or old, START NOW!  Ask your older relatives all of the questions you can about their lives; where did you go to school; when; what was it like; when was the first time you rode in a car; what was the funniest thing that ever happened to you?  Nothing is too trivial because it all tells a story.  If you ARE the older relative, write it down, do it now, leave something for those that follow you.

Life is short but it can be more valuable if we know how we got to where we are today. This "genealogy" unites people and families and creates a sense of belonging, especially in times when family bonds are so fragile and not as close as a hundred years ago.
Don't put off for tomorrow what you should do today!
Process - (a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result).
Genealogy is the process of finding YOUR family tree. It can create bonds and friendships between family members and distant relatives that never before existed. It may leave you with a deep respect and awe for those who came before you, YOUR ancestors. You may uncover a skeleton or two along the way, you may find out things you really didn't need (or want for that matter) to know, but, that's okay, we all have our "skeletons" and rattling some of those old bones may help you shed new light on your own life.
Story - (History; an account of incidents or events; a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question).
Genealogy tells a story, a sometimes-poignant tale of how we got to be here, sharing the same small planet, today. It is an appreciation and a memorial to our ancestors whose lives may have an air of insignificance at the time. Genealogy is a way for us to understand our habits, our features, our traits, even the reason your second toe is longer than your big toe. It helps to explain, and helps each of us to understand, the unique mold from which we were cast, the mold that makes each of us "individuals" (with a few quirks that you might be able to blame on your great great great grandmother).
Fate - (the principle or determining cause or will by which things in general are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do).
Fate is a phenomenon that occurs when looking into the lives of our ancestors. It may not have mattered to them at the time (as it may not matter to you right now). It may have just been their struggle to survive (as each of us struggle to survive in our own way). It is certain, however, that either way, we may not have been here if just one single event in the life of any single one of our ancestors had been done differently or had a different outcome. If just one person made a decision to settle in town A opposed to town B or, for instance, had gone to Germany during WWII instead of Japan, it's most likely you would not be a part of the family you are in, or come from, today.
I didn't write all of this but it's certainly  interesting
This represents the  discovery of the ancestors of a single person.

The work method is simple: one searches for a person's parents, then his grand-parents, and so on, until you end up back as far as you can.

Note:  Sounds a little boring doesn't it?  (Just kidding of course)
Adding to the Ascending Genealogy, Family Genealogy would include the addition of cousins and other relatives.

Some researchers do the genealogy of each member of the family (of all the brothers-in law, the sisters-in-law, aunts and uncles, etc.) and will seek out as many documents as possible on these people (land deeds, published books, photographs, etc.).

Others will simply try to discover and collect all the names of this extended family without attempting to seek other details.
This consists of tracing all the descendants of one or more persons; i.e. children, grandchildren, etc.

Some researchers glean all the printed and other recorded materials available at their local library; while the more enthusiastic will try to find all of the original registers in parts of the world where their family name is to be found, as well as the other variations of the name (such as "dit" names like "Pépin dit Lachance") slowly expanding their research to include tens of thousands of people, in addition to the origin of their spouses and in-laws (useful in certain difficult cases but essential to do a thorough job).  A few will also include the children of the feminine descendants even though the latter no longer carry the same name.
It's been my decision to "do it all", and it may take me a lifetime and I may never complete it, but it's one heck of a start for the next person to come along and go with it. So, there you have it. That's what genealogy is all about, and pretty much defines me and my connections to the world at large...and some other people too.
After all this is my website.
It's been my choice to "do it all"! It may take my entire life, and I may never complete it, but it's one heck of a start for the next person to come along and run with it.
So, there you have it. That's what genealogy is all about, and pretty much defines me and my connections to the world at large...and some other people too.
“If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best take it out and teach it to dance.”
― George Bernard Shaw
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Genealogy Pox is CONTAGIOUS

Continual complaint as to need for names, dates and places.
Patient has a blank expression, sometimes deaf to spouse and children.
Has no taste for work of any kind, except feverishly looking through records at libraries and courthouses.
Has a compulsion to write letters.
Swears at mailman when he doesn't leave mail.
Frequents strange places such as cemeteries, ruins, and remote desolate country areas.
Makes secret night calls and hides phone bills from spouse.
Mumbles to self. Has strange, faraway look in eyes.

TREATMENT:  Medication is useless. This disease is not fatal, but gets progressively worse. Patient should attend genealogy workshops, subscribe to genealogical magazines and be given a quiet corner in the house where he or she can be alone.

REMARKS:  The unusual nature of this disease is that the sicker the patient gets, the more he or she enjoys it.
Presented by
Larry Lachance
Any Commercial, religious, or other use, without the consent of the compiler  (Larry Lachance) is prohibited!
If you use information or data from this site, you must give proper acknowledgement and credit. 
Contact me with your comments and corrections.
Copying expressly forbidden except for your PERSONAL (not-for-profit/non-commercial) Family History/Genealogy.